Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Mirror Post #3: Heros and ah hah moments

Last night with the Hero's exercise I had each of you do in small groups, I neglected to share completely what my point was. Consultants often times are sterotyped as being heroes. Despite the fact that consultants can save the day or help with an end result, by no stretch of the imagination are they the be all. Block points out to us through out the readings that the relationship between client and consultant is 50/50 and that a mutual collaboration is paramount to a consulting intervention ending successfully. Maybe to be a real hero, one must look with in and take a real risk and say no. We'll see then who the real heroes are and who are the thrill seekers!

I had a real ah ha moment concerning consulting. I touched on it briefly last night when I said, "somedays I feel like an internal consultant here at my job." In truth, in fund-raising we dealw ith rsistance all the time and it really does come in many forms.

I appreciate everyone participating last night. Thanks for another good class!

1 comment:

  1. You and Suzanne did an outstanding job on your presentation. I could really tell you guys put in a lot of upfront work to make it such a success. After reading the text and experiencing your presentation I have a better graps on the various types of resistance. I never knew that resistance could take on so many forms. Thanks for the engaging presentation!
